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React Table using hooks expand and collapse rows

I am using react-table component inside my project. The row expansion property is something that my features utilized and it is working fine now.

I need the ability to collapse all the rows while I expand a row. ie Only one row should be open at a time. I did go through many documentation and stackoverflow links but none didn't work out. Please note that this implementation is using hooks. Just like the one mentioned here :

By default they allow to open more than one row at a time, but I need to implement the opposite.

The closest I came to is this : Auto expandable rows and subrows react table using hooks

But here its opening on initial load.



  • I have only added a portion of App function here. Codesandbox:

    Note: I am not used to react-table library. This code is a sample that only works in the table with two levels of rows. You can optimize the code with recursion or some other way to make the code work in multi-level tables.

    Cell: ({ row, rows, toggleRowExpanded }) =>
              // Use the row.canExpand and row.getToggleRowExpandedProps prop getter
              // to build the toggle for expanding a row
              row.canExpand ? (
                    style: {
                      // We can even use the row.depth property
                      // and paddingLeft to indicate the depth
                      // of the row
                      paddingLeft: `${row.depth * 2}rem`
                    onClick: () => {
                      const expandedRow = rows.find(row => row.isExpanded);
                      if (expandedRow) {
                        const isSubItemOfRow = Boolean(
                          expandedRow &&".")[0] ===
                        if (isSubItemOfRow) {
                          const expandedSubItem = expandedRow.subRows.find(
                            subRow => subRow.isExpanded
                          if (expandedSubItem) {
                            const isClickedOnExpandedSubItem =
                            if (!isClickedOnExpandedSubItem) {
                              toggleRowExpanded(, false);
                        } else {
                          toggleRowExpanded(, false);
                  {row.isExpanded ? "👇" : "👉"}
              ) : null