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How I can make select from database WHRE in Array

I need to make a database query that includes several WHERE conditions.

The problem is that I cannot correctly pass the $messages array into the request.

public function Controller(Request $request)
        $firstDate = $request->input('start');
        $secondDate = $request->input('end');
        $messages = $request->input('messages');
        $data = $this->client->executeQuery( "SELECT sum('count') as 'var', 'firstname', 'surname' FROM 'table' WHERE 'surname' IN (?) AND 'time' BETWEEN ? AND ? group by 'surname' ORDER BY 'var' desc limit 10",
            [$messages, $startDate, $endDate]);
        $data = $data ->getData();

        return response()->json($data);

But as a result, I get a mistake:

message: "Bind value type ARRAY for parameter 1 is not supported"

I use tarantool database. Any ideas?


  • First of all, your syntax is incorrect, it should be

    executeQuery('...', $messages, $startDate, $endDate);

    instead of

    executeQuery('...', [$messages, $startDate, $endDate]);

    (please note the redundant [] in your version).

    Second, If I understand your question correctly, you need to unfold your $messages array and pass each value as a separate argument to executeQuery(). In addition, you need to dynamically construct your SQL statement with as many placeholders inside IN() as the $message array size. Something like this:

    $placeholders = rtrim(str_repeat('?,', count($messages)), ',');
    $params = $messages;
    $params[] = $startDate;
    $params[] = $endDate;
    $sql = "... IN ($placeholders) AND 'time' BETWEEN ? AND ? ...";
    $result = $this->client->executeQuery($sql, ...$params);