I'm am trying to get results from Elastic search with spesic keys example:
average salary, by city, gender
so i check at metrics_aggregations
and I was able
AvgAggregationBuilder totalDuration = AggregationBuilders.avg("salaryAvg").field("salary");
it did return the most high level - average salary without specific fields
So I tried using subAggregation
AvgAggregationBuilder totalDuration = AggregationBuilders
but i got below error
Server Error. 21525\nElasticsearchStatusException[Elasticsearch exception [type=aggregation_initialization_exception, reason=Aggregator [salaryAvg] of type [avg] cannot accept sub-aggregations]]\n\tat org.elasticsearch.rest.BytesRestResponse.errorFromXConten
how can I query it with elastic search what I want is something quite similar to SQL - group by
each row of my elastic response data seems like that:
{HashMap$Node@53898} "city" -> "new York"
{HashMap$Node@53899} "pageId" -> "123"
{HashMap$Node@53900} "salary" -> "45765"
{HashMap$Node@53900} "gender" -> "female"
{HashMap$Node@53901} "userId" -> "324"
{HashMap$Node@53902} "accountId" -> "456"
{HashMap$Node@53898} "city" -> "new Jersy"
{HashMap$Node@53899} "pageId" -> "123"
{HashMap$Node@53899} "salary" -> "77777"
{HashMap$Node@53900} "gender" -> "female"
{HashMap$Node@53901} "userId" -> "334"
{HashMap$Node@53902} "accountId" -> "999"
How can I support it using Elastic search JAVA API?
I tried also
running it:
AvgAggregationBuilder totalDuration0 = AggregationBuilders.avg(TOTAL_DURATION_AVG).field(TOTAL_DURATION);
TermsAggregationBuilder totalDuration = AggregationBuilders.terms(TOTAL_DURATION_AVG)
I got this response
there's seems to have a different average and how much rows for each - row in this list but I have no idea which "key" is pointing to seems like a byte array
but it doesn't match to the actual key I have also [key] seems to be duplicated with a different average so what am I missing here. ?
I was able to get avg by a single field, but not more than one field
final AvgAggregationBuilder totalDuration = AggregationBuilders.avg(avgSalary).field(SALARY_AVG);
final TermsAggregationBuilder totalDurationByWidgetId = AggregationBuilders.terms(SALARY_AVG)