I have a problem with my config.yml file. When I start my
Plugin it automatically generates the default config.yml
file. This is the default preset:
#This Plugin was made by Yuki
#Version 0.0.1
I've created a comment(/setspawn), which enters the data in
the config.yml. This part works fine, with the little issue,
that every time the config.yml gets wiped completely.
config.yml after inserting data:
World: world
X: -155.45080613398784
Y: 82.0
Z: -57.60431500946787
Yaw: -27.600231
Pitch: 29.550203
I insert the data with the following lines:
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String label, String[] args) {
if(sender instanceof Player) {
Player player = (Player) sender;
if(sender.hasPermission("cc.command.setSpawn")) {
FileConfiguration config = Main.getPlugin().getConfig();
config.set("Spawn.World", player.getWorld().getName());
config.set("Spawn.X", player.getLocation().getX());
config.set("Spawn.Y", player.getLocation().getY());
config.set("Spawn.Z", player.getLocation().getZ());
config.set("Spawn.Yaw", player.getLocation().getYaw());
config.set("Spawn.Pitch", player.getLocation().getPitch());
player.sendMessage("Der Spawn wurde gesetzt!");
return false;
Main class:
public class Main extends JavaPlugin {
private static Main plugin;
public void onEnable() {
plugin = this;
System.out.println("\033[1;36m"+"["+"\033[1;35m"+"CC"+"\033[1;36m"+"]"+"\033[0;35m"+"Crystal Cake is online"+"\033[0m");
getCommand("heal").setExecutor(new HealAndFood());
getCommand("setspawn").setExecutor(new SetSpawnCommand());
Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(new JoinLeaveListener(), this);
Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(new KillListener(), this);
public void onDisable() {
System.out.println("\033[1;36m"+"["+"\033[1;35m"+"CC"+"\033[1;36m"+"]"+"\033[0;35m"+"Crystal Cake is offline"+"\033[0m");
public static Main getPlugin() {
return plugin;
Please include the onEnable() code.
I am guessing that there is something in there which does the equivalent of saveDefaultConfig()
when starting the plugin. :)
EDIT: I have copied you code into another plugin of mine. I have no problems. After starting the server, the config stays as intended. Are there any messages in the logs?