I have a set of allowed characters:
apostrophe `
empty space
dash -
I'm struggling with building a regex which:
a. allows only one occurrence of the allowed characters between each word (any number of words are allowed)
text-text --> VALID
text text --> VALID
text`text --> VALID
b. allows combinations of allowed characters but not one after the other
text-text`text --> VALID
text text-text --> VALID
text`text text --> VALID
text``text text --> INVALID
text`text text --> INVALID
text`text -text --> INVALID
c. doesn't allow to start with empty space apostrophe ` or dash
and doesn't allow to end with apostrophe ` or dash -
but can end with [emptyspace]
text[emptyspace] --> VALID
[emptyspace]text --> INVALID
`text --> INVALID
text` --> INVALID
-text --> INVALID
text- --> INVALID
d. Special characters are not allowed at all
e. Digits are not allowed at all
This is what I have so far: https://regex101.com/r/9i3vq2/5
You may use
^[a-zA-Z]+(?:[ `-][a-zA-Z]+)* ?$
See the regex demo
- start of string[a-zA-Z]+
- 1+ ASCII letters(?:[ `-][a-zA-Z]+)*
- 0 or more repetitions of
[ `-]
- a space, backtick or -
- 1+ ASCII letters ?
- an optional space$
- end of string.