Using ANTLR4 v4.8
I am in the process of writing transpiler exploring use of ANTLR (javascript target with visitor).
Grammar -> lex/parse is fine and I now sit on parse tree.
grammar Mygrammar;
* parser rules
progm : stmt+;
: progdecl
| print
progdecl : PROGDECLKW ID '..';
print : WRITEKW STRLIT '..';
* lexer rules
// Literal
STRLIT : '\'' .*? '\'' ;
// Identifier
ID : [a-zA-Z0-9]+;
// skip
LINE_COMMENT : '*' .*? '\n' -> skip;
TERMINATOR : [\r\n]+ -> skip;
WS : [ \t\n\r]+ -> skip;
* Hello world
PRINT 'Hello World!'..
const myVisitor = require('./src/myVisitor').myVisitor;
const input = './src_sample/';
const chars = new antlr4.FileStream(input);
parser.buildParseTrees = true;
const myVisit = new myVisitor();
Use of visitor didn't seem straightforward, and this SO post helps to an extent.
On use of context. Is there a good way to track ctx, when I hit each node?
Using myVisit.visit(tree)
as starting context is fine. When I start visiting each node, using non-root context
throws me error.
PrintContext {
parentCtx: null,
invokingState: -1,
ruleIndex: 3,
children: null,
start: CommonToken {
source: [ [MygrammarLexer], [FileStream] ],
type: -1,
channel: 0,
start: 217,
together with exception: InputMismatchException [Error]
I believe it is because children
is null
instead of being populated.
Which, in turn, is due to
line 9:0 mismatched input '<EOF>' expecting {'DECLAREPROGRAM', 'PRINT'}
Is above the only way to pass the context or am I doing this wrong?
If the use is correct, then I incline towards looking at reporting this as bug.
edit 17.3 - added grammar and source
When you invoke parser.print()
but feed it the input:
* Hello world
PRINT 'Hello World!'..
it will not work. For print()
, the parser expects input like this PRINT 'Hello World!'..
. For the entire input, you will have to invoke prog()
instead. Also, it is wise to "anchor" your starting rule with the EOF token which will force ANTLR to consume the entire input:
progm : stmt+ EOF;
If you want to parse and visit an entire parse tree (using prog()
), but are only interested in the print
node/context, then it is better to use a listener instead of a visitor. Check this page how to use a listener:
Here's how a listener works (a Python demo since I don't have the JS set up properly):
import antlr4
from playground.MygrammarLexer import MygrammarLexer
from playground.MygrammarParser import MygrammarParser
from playground.MygrammarListener import MygrammarListener
class PrintPreprocessor(MygrammarListener):
def enterPrint_(self, ctx: MygrammarParser.Print_Context):
print("Entered print: `{}`".format(ctx.getText()))
if __name__ == '__main__':
source = """
* Hello world
PRINT 'Hello World!'..
lexer = MygrammarLexer(antlr4.InputStream(source))
parser = MygrammarParser(antlr4.CommonTokenStream(lexer))
antlr4.ParseTreeWalker().walk(PrintPreprocessor(), parser.progm())
When running the code above, the following will be printed:
Entered print: `PRINT'Hello World!'..`
So, in short: this listener accepts the entire parse tree of your input, but only "listens" when we enter the print
parser rule.
Note that I renamed print
to print_
because print
is protected in the Python target.