We have this postgresql type:
create type order_input as (
item text,
quantity integer);
And this postgresql function:
create or replace function insert_into_orders(order_input[])
returns void language plpgsql as $$
inserted_id integer;
insert into public.orders(orderdate)
values (now())
returning orderid into inserted_id;
insert into public.orderdetails(orderid, item, quantity)
select inserted_id, item, quantity
from unnest($1);
end $$;
To execute in pgadmin-4 we run:
select insert_into_orders(
('Red Widget', 10),
('Blue Widget', 5)
I am trying to figure out how to execute the insert_into_orders function using the pg-promise javascript library. I've tried doing the following:
const pgp = require("pg-promise")();
const db = pgp(connectionObj);
await db.func("insert_into_orders", [{item:"Red Widget", quantity:10}, {item:"Blue Widget", quantity:5}]
but getting the following message:
"error": {
"message": "malformed array literal: \"{\"item\":\"Red Widget\", \"quantity\":10}\""
Would really appreciate if anyone knew how I had to structure my input for pg-promise, the original post is from here: Postgres Function to insert multiple records in two tables
Method func expects an array of values as the second parameter. In your case it must be one parameter - array of objects. But you instead give it 2 parameters, each an object, hence the error.
The correct way is:
const orderInput = [{item:"Red Widget", quantity:10}, {item:"Blue Widget", quantity:5}];
await db.func('insert_into_orders', [orderInput]);
Anyhow, you should use event query or pg-monitor to see what SQL was generated.
Also, your insert_into_orders
should be a stored procedure, and then executed via proc, at the very least. However, its implementation looks like it should be just a transaction within your code.
After this executed the error came back as
"error": {"message": "function insert_into_orders(text[]) does not exist"}
That's because of the type mismatch, which requires type casting...
You can either invoke the function via a regular query method, or make use of Custom Type Formatting to modify the data format:
const data = {
toPostgres: () => `${pgp.as.array(orderInput)}::json[]::order_input[]`,
rawType: true
Then pass it in instead:
await db.func('insert_into_orders', [data]);