I am new from D3 (using v3) I have a data structure like below:
var data=[
{"x":zero ,"y":333},
I would like to use data.map to re-map an array like the follow format
["zero", "one", "two"]
what is the correct way to get only x value to form an array in d3?
Many thanks
I have made changes in "x" values as following i have just added "" to every element. As it is not number it will be treated as string
In your case, you can just add
return element.x
It will give you array as you were expecting ["zero", "one", "two"].
Above solution is for when you have fix x labels but if you wish to traverse through each element to see or add more you can use this approach or for generic solution
function filter(localData){
var tempdata = []
localData.forEach(function (element){
return element.values.forEach(function(element){
var uniqueArray = tempdata.filter(function(item, pos, self) {
return self.indexOf(item) == pos;
return uniqueArray