I previously got some help on here for some jq to csv issues. I ran into an issue where a few json files had some extra values that breaks the jq command
Here is the json data. The repairs section is what breaks the jq command
"Name": "John Doe",
"Car": [
"Location": "Texas",
"Repairs: {
"RepairLocations": {
"Name": "Jane Roe",
"Car": "Car1",
"Location": [
Here is the command
def expand($keys):
. as $in
| reduce $keys[] as $k ( [{}];
map(. + {
($k): ($in[$k] | if type == "array" then .[] else . end)
) | .[];
(.[0] | keys_unsorted) as $h
| $h, (.[] | expand($h) | [.[$h[]]]) | @csv
This is the end result i am trying to get. This data isnt actual data.
John Doe,Car1,Texas,RepairsCompleted:Fix1
John Doe,Car1,Texas,RepairsCompleted:Fix2
John Doe,Car2,Texas,RepairsCompleted:Fix1
John Doe,Car2,Texas,RepairsCompleted:Fix2
Jane Roe,Car1,Illinois,
Jane Roe,Car1,Kansas,
Any advice on this would be great. I am struggling to figure jq out
A simple solution can be obtained using the same technique shown in one of the answers to the similar question you already asked. The only difference is fulfilling your requirements in the case where the "Repairs" key does not exist:
["Name", "Car", "Location", "Repairs:RepairLocation"],
| [.Name]
+ (.Car|..|scalars|[.])
+ (.Location|..|scalars|[.])
+ (.Repairs|..|scalars
| [if . == null then . else "RepairsCompleted:\(.)" end]) )
| @csv
def s: .. | scalars | [.];
["Name", "Car", "Location", "Repairs:RepairLocation"],
| [.Name]
+ (.Car|s)
+ (.Location|s)
+ (.Repairs|s|map(if . == null then . else "RepairsCompleted:\(.)" end)))
| @csv