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Is it possible to change the member function pointer from std::bind to lambda?

I coded callback method with std::function, std::bind.

std::function object func1 in class A point to function bFoo(int, int) which is member of class B.

My callback code in my program:

// Class A - A.h
class A
    template<class T>
    void setCallback(T *pClass, void(T::*pFunc)(int, int));

    std::function<void(int, int)> func1;

template<class T>
inline void A::setCallback(T *pClass, void(T::*pFunc)(int, int))
  func1 = std::bind(pFunc, pClass, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2); 

// Class A - A.cpp

// Class B - B.h
class B
    void bFoo(int x, int y);

    A a; // instance of class A

// Class B - B.cpp
  a.setCallback(this, &B::bFoo);

It works fine.

However, I heard that in C++ 14 and higher, std::bind can be completely replaced by lambda, and lambda has many advantages over std::bind.

So I tried to change the bind to lambda and looked up many examples, but in my case I haven't found how to replace bind to lambda.

I want to assign a member function from another class into std::function using lambda, not std::bind.

is this possible?


  • It would be possible to do it with your current code by using

    func1 = [=](int x, int y){ (pClass->*pFunc)(x,y); };

    In my opinion it's probably better to write out the lambda at the calling site instead. To do that you need to modify setCallback.

    class A
        template<class T>
        void setCallback(T callback);
        std::function<void(int, int)> func1;
    template<class T>
    inline void A::setCallback(T callback)
      func1 = callback; 

    Then we can call from Bs constructor with a lambda.

    class B
        void bFoo(int x, int y);
        A a; // instance of class A
    // Class B - B.cpp
      a.setCallback([&](int x, int y){ bFoo(x, y); }); // & will capture this