I Have this button on my site which opens new page on click, so i was trying to set a unique cookie for every users who click on it and access the new page , if someone try to access the new page directly by url than they should see a sample text and redirect automatically to the button page. How can i do that?
<div class="button">
<a href="/" target="_blank">CLICK HERE TO GET THIS..!</a>
<div class="button">
<a href="" onclick="what_i_want()" id="the_button" target="_blank">CLICK HERE TO
GET THIS..!</a>
JS :
function what_i_want()
var cookie_name=Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000) + 1; //random name for example;
var cookie_value=" any value"; // << you also can get value from function >> what_i_want(par,par2,par,3);
document.cookie = cookie_name +'='+ cookie_value;