I use remainder inside my code with kotlin in android project but with this value I don't get the correct answer.
variable is :
val vv = 1529.71
val ratio = 0.01
val remainder = vv.rem(ratio)
it's must be zero but remainder value is :
I don't understand why this happened.
The answer is because vv
isn't actually 1529.71 but the closest possible Double
, the exact value is 1529.7100000000000363797880709171295166015625 (the easiest way to see it is println(java.math.BigDecimal(vv))
). If you want to represent decimal numbers exactly, use BigDecimal
and pass the fraction as a string:
val vv = BigDecimal("1529.71")
val ratio = BigDecimal("0.01")
val remainder = vv.rem(ratio)
Read more about floating point here: https://floating-point-gui.de/