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React.JS video player bug

I am working with a player. I'm developing a website in React and want to use Fragment of a video player to use on some pages. So I create videoFr.js script with that code.

import React from 'react'
import '../styles/video.scss';

const fragmentPlayer =(props)=> {
    return (

      allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" 



export default fragmentPlayer;

I want to render on Main page a video and pass the component.

import React from 'react'
import '../styles/Main.scss';
import fragmentPlayer from '../Components/video.js';

class Main extends React.Component {

        return (
               <sector id='banner'>
                   <h1>hi {}</h1>
                <h1>- Culture</h1>
                <p>We unite business and education. And much more...</p>
                <fragmentPlayer url=""/>
               <sector id='m-training'>
               <h1>TRAINING & COMPETITION</h1>
                <p>Every semester, thousands participants  from over 90 countries join the X-Culture competition.
                <br/>They compete, collaborate, learn the challenges and best practices of international business consulting.</p>
               <sector id='m-business'>
               <h1>BUSINESS SOLUTIONS</h1>
                <p>Companies present their business challenges. Thousands of amateurs and professionals develop their solutions.
                    <br/>If there is something good for your business out there, they will find it and bring it to you.</p>



export default Main;

Nothing happens in render. However, when I import not fragmentPlayer from my script, but Player and use Player - everything works fine.

import Player from '../Components/video.js';
 <Player url=""/>

What's going on here?


  • In React Our Component names first letter must be capital because this is how React differences between our components and html tags. So use

    import FragmentPlayer from '../Components/video.js';

    instead of

    import fragmentPlayer from '../Components/video.js';