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How do I get nodemon to watch dotenv-flow files?

dotenv-flow files can have names like: .env, .env.development, .env.development.local, ...


I would like my node server to restart as soon as I update one of those files. However, adding a custom config, I am able to restart on a change in the .env file only.

"nodemonConfig": {
    "watch": [".env"]

How could I watch files prefixed with .env ?


  • When overriding nodemon's watch list you need to provide a full match list. For example, to watch js files in the app directory, .env, and files prefixed with .env e.g. .env.development, you can use the following:


      "watch": ["app/*.js", ".env", ".env.*"]

    The same concept works for dotenv-flow


    "nodemonConfig": {
      "watch": ["app/*.js", ".env", ".env.*"]

    You'll likely need to modify the watch list a bit more to suit your needs. All in all, that's the gist.