I am using pandas to normalize some json data. I am getting stuck on this issue when more than 1 section is either an object or an array.
If i use the record_path on Car it breaks on the second.
Any pointers on how to get something like this to create a line in the csv per Car and per Location?
"Name": "John Doe",
"Car": [
"Location": "Texas"
"Name": "Jane Roe",
"Car": "Car1",
"Location": [
Here is the output
John Doe,"['Car1', 'Car2']",Texas
Jane Roe,Car1,"['Illinois', 'Kansas']"
Here is the code:
with open('file.json') as data_file:
data = json.load(data_file)
df = pd.io.json.json_normalize(data, errors='ignore')
Would like it to end up like this:
John Doe,Car1,Texas
John Doe,Car2,Texas
Jane Roe,Car1,Illinois
Jane Roe,Car1,Kansas
The answers worked great until I ran into a json file with extra data. This what a file looks like with the extra values.
"Name": "John Doe",
"Car": [
"Location": "Texas",
"Repairs: {
"RepairLocations": {
"Name": "Jane Roe",
"Car": "Car1",
"Location": [
Here is what I am going for. I think its the most readable in this format but anything would at least should all the keys
John Doe,Car1,Texas,RepairsCompleted:Fix1
John Doe,Car1,Texas,RepairsCompleted:Fix2
John Doe,Car2,Texas,RepairsCompleted:Fix1
John Doe,Car2,Texas,RepairsCompleted:Fix2
Jane Roe,Car1,Illinois,
Jane Roe,Car1,Kansas,
Any suggestions on getting this second part?
You're looking for something like this:
def expand($keys):
. as $in
| reduce $keys[] as $k ( [{}];
map(. + {
($k): ($in[$k] | if type == "array" then .[] else . end)
) | .[];
(.[0] | keys_unsorted) as $h
| $h, (.[] | expand($h) | [.[$h[]]]) | @csv