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ExtJS7: Anchor tag not honoring ext routes

If a ext view route is used with anchor tag, clicking on that link always opens a new tab. This force realod entire ext app in new tab. Is there a way to force anchor tag or anchor in html to redire ct to that view instead within app

                            xtype: 'component',
                            autoEl: {
                                tag: 'a',
                                html: 'Some Action',
                                href: '#someroute'
                                class: 'link-some-action'
                            listeners: {
                              click: function(){
                                console.warn("I AM TRAPPED");


                            xtype: 'box',
                            html: '<a href='#someaction' class="link-some-action"> Saome Action </a>',
                            listeners: {
                              click: function(){
                                console.warn("I AM TRAPPED");

In both case as illustrated, clicking on element opens a new tab, hence forcing app to load again


  • in your case, you should add a listener to el, here is fiddle

    Ext.define('Controller', {
        extend: '',
        alias: 'controller.mycontroller',
            console.log("I AM FREE");
    Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', {
        style: "border: 1px solid red",
        height: 100,
        title: "test",
        renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
        items: [{
            xtype: 'component',
            autoEl: {
                tag: 'a',
                html: 'Some Action',
                href: '#someroute',
                class: 'link-some-action'
            listeners: {
                el: {
                    click: "onElClick"