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Couldn't pass the driver value in test annotated method

I have below code:

public static void takeSnapShot(WebDriver webdriver, String fileWithPath) throws Exception {
    // Convert web driver object to TakeScreenshot
    TakesScreenshot scrShot = ((TakesScreenshot) webdriver);
    // Call getScreenshotAs method to create image file
    File SrcFile = scrShot.getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
    // Move image file to new destination
    File DestFile = new File(fileWithPath);
    // Copy file at destination
    FileUtils.copyFile(SrcFile, DestFile);

I'm getting below error

Can inject only one of <ITestContext, XmlTest, Method, Object[], ITestResult> into a @AfterMethod annotated takeSnapShot.

I couldn't pass the driver value which contains the value stored from another class.

Help me to solve this or with different solution.


  • It won't work in the way you are trying to do. TestNG automatically calls @AfterMethod() after each @Test annotated method.

    What you need to do is to access driver instance in @AfterMethod. Store the driver instance in context variable from where you are initiating it and then access it.

    Refer below code:

    public static void setup(ITestContext context) throws Exception {
        WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
        context.setAttribute("driver", driver);
    public void test() {
    public static void screenShot(ITestContext context) {
        WebDriver driver = (WebDriver) context.getAttribute("driver");

    This is how you after method will be

    public static void screenShot(ITestContext context) {
        final String fileWithPath = "file_path";
        WebDriver driver = (WebDriver) context.getAttribute("driver");
        TakesScreenshot scrShot = ((TakesScreenshot) driver);
        File SrcFile = scrShot.getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
        File DestFile = new File(fileWithPath);
        FileUtils.copyFile(SrcFile, DestFile);