Look at: https://developers.coinbase.com/api/v2#get-currencies
it states clearly "it can be defined as any supported currency". When I query the support currency DKK does not show up... but you can use DKK to get exchange-rate? Also the coinbase website shows my values in DKK.
So, what gives?!?! This is just confusing. I create a list with the support currency, but cannot choose DKK because it does not come in the query?!?!
If you query all currencies, DKK is there:
GET https://api.coinbase.com/v2/currencies
RESPONSE {"data":[ ... ,{"id":"DKK","name":"Danish Krone","min_size":"0.01000000"}, ... ]}
You can also query just DKK to compare it with other currencies:
GET https://api.coinbase.com/v2/exchange-rates?currency=DKK
RESPONSE {"data":{"currency":"DKK","rates":{"AED":"0.54780095459776946093168", ... }}}