I'm using Toastr to show a popup of message in UI.
I'm sending a request to server via Ajax and in response, i'm sending a below response
echo json_encode(
"type" => "error",
"message" => $error,
"status" => "Error While Updating!"
I'm using the resp.type to show dynamic toastr so below is my toastr code
toastr.resp.type(resp.message, resp.status,{progressBar:!0,showMethod:"slideDown",hideMethod:"slideUp",timeOut:2e3,preventDuplicates: true,positionClass: "toast-bottom-right"});
The problem with above code is that when the code is running it throws an error message of Uncaught TypeError: toastr.type is not a function
Could anyone help me out what's going wrong or what might be a correct solution here
You cannot embed toastr.resp.type
, it is invalid and hence will throw an error.
Below code would work as you want, as far as i understand the question
toastr[resp.type](resp.message, resp.status,{progressBar:!0,showMethod:"slideDown",hideMethod:"slideUp",timeOut:2e3,preventDuplicates: true,positionClass: "toast-bottom-right"});
Please view this as a reference: https://github.com/CodeSeven/toastr/issues/203
function showToast(message, timeout, type) {
type = (typeof type === 'undefined') ? 'info' : type;
toastr.options.timeOut = timeout;
showToast('Hello Toastr!", 15000, 'warning');