I have a scenario in a Vue JS App where I have a list of items which randomly change order after having the user presses a button. I can get the list elements to dynamically change their position with Vue.set however when I add a list transition via the <transition-group>
tag the change remains, well, transition-less, and I don't know why.
I am displaying my list of items using the v-for attribute like so:
<transition-group name="shuffle" tag="ul">
<li class="content column" v-for="card in notecards" v-bind:key="card.u_id">
<div v-bind:key="card.u_id" v-on:click="card.show=!card.show">
<transition mode="out-in" name="flip">
<span v-bind:key="card.term" v-if="card.show" class="card-pad box card card-content media">
<div class="media-content has-text-centered">
<span v-bind:key="card.def" v-else class="card card-content box media">
<div class="media-content has-text-centered">
The key card.u_id is a unique key for each element. I have also defined the css style "shuffle-move" with the following rule:
transition: all 1s;
Additionally I am updating the position using a shuffle method in my Vue instance which looks like so:
shuffle_cards: function() {
let entries = this.notecards.length;
while (entries){
let random_index = Math.floor(Math.random() * entries--);
let intermediate = this.notecards[random_index];
Vue.set(this.notecards, random_index, this.notecards[entries]);
Vue.set(this.notecards, entries, intermediate);
I am using Vue 2.
Where am I going wrong?
You are missing a dot in your css rule:
transition: all 1s;
Live example of your code : https://codepen.io/hans-felix/pen/oNXqbKE