Payment using PayPal goes through. however, I am finding it difficult to return the transaction id as well as the amount that was paid to my controller.
Here is my paypal code.
// Render the PayPal button into #paypal-button-container
// Configure environment
env: 'sandbox',
client: {
sandbox: 'AZE8rjV6EqzKFAcEx6f7L7ZZwDsSLR5bBQOQN5pj3gAwghAivl0VUt-e0SkETWrcoesYXGbxO292vYZ3',
production: 'AUO3T8Mto5rojZl9Ff6nuYw1cLFjgF-4TPh6v1FhXyNdQsjxvdLTACn3xlv3EqwvPLJmmozl4_1pufFl'
// Set up the transaction
createOrder: function(data, actions) {
var amount = $("#amount").val();
var name = '<?php echo($email); ?>';
return actions.order.create({
purchase_units: [{
amount: {
value: amount,
currency: 'USD'
// Finalize the transaction
onApprove: function(data, actions) {
return'Home/AddPayment/', {
paymentID: data.paymentID,
payerID: data.payerID,
email: email,
amount: amount
.then(function(response) {
// 3. Show the buyer a confirmation message.
if (response.error == 'false') {
console.log('Payment Completed');
My question is simple. I need to figure out a way to send transaction Id and amount to the controller after payment has been confirmed.
Do so in the onApprove function. It seems you're already posting a paymentID and amount, but if you want to capture first, you need to actions.order.capture()
. See the demo pattern at
A better, server-side design, would be to have the onApprove function call a server endpoint that executes a server-side API call to capture the transaction. See the demo pattern at