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Magic methods on other programming languages

Python has such methods as __add__, __mul__, __cmp__ and so on (called magic methods), which are used as a class methods and can give a different meaning to adding(+), multiplying(*), comparing(==), ... two instances of a class. My question is do other languages have a similar method? I'm familiar with Java, C++, ruby and PHP, but never came across such a thing. I know all four have a constructor method which corresponds to __init__, but what about other magic methods?

I tried googling "Magic methods in other programming languages" but nothing related showed up, probably they got different names on different languages.


  • In general, having too much "magic" in a language is a sign of bad language design. Maybe that is why there are not many languages which have magic methods?

    Magic like this creates a two-class system: the language designer can add new magic methods to the language, but the programmer is restricted to only use the methods that the High Priest Of Language Design allows them to. In general, it should be possible for the programmer to do as much possible without requiring to change the language specification.

    For example, in Scala, +, -, *, /, ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=, ::, |, &, ||, &&, **, ^, +=, -=, *=, /=, and so on and so forth, are simply legal identifiers. So, if you want to implement your own version of multiplication for your own objects, you just write a method named *. This is just a boring old standard method, there is absolutely nothing "magic" about it.

    Conversely, any method can be called using operator notation, i.e. without a dot. And any method that takes exactly one argument can be called without parentheses in operator notation.

    This does not only apply to methods. Also, any type constructor with exactly two type arguments can be used in infix notation, so if I have

    class ↔️[A, B]

    I can do

    class Foo extends (String ↔️ Int)

    which is the same as

    class Foo extends ↔️[String, Int]

    Well … I kinda lied: there is some syntactic sugar in Scala:

    • foo() is translated to foo.apply() if there is no method named foo in scope. This allows you to effectively overload the function call operator.
    • = baz is translated to foo.bar_=(baz). This allows you to effectively overload property assignment. (This is how you write setters in Scala.)
    • foo(bar) = baz is translated to foo.update(bar, baz). This allows you to effectively overload index assignment. (This is how you write array or dictionary access in Scala, for example).
    • !foo (and a couple of others) are translated to foo.unary_!.
    • foo += bar will try to call the += method of foo, i.e. it is equivalent to foo.+=(bar). But if this fails and foo is a valid lvalue, and foo has a method named +, then Scala will also try foo = foo + bar instead.

    Also, precedence, associativity, and fixity are fixed in Scala: they are determined by the first character of the method name. I.e. all methods starting with * have the same precedence, all methods starting with - have the same precedence, and so on.

    Haskell goes a step further: there is no fundamental difference between functions and operators. Every function can be used in function call notation and in operator notation. The only difference is lexical: if the function name consists of operator characters, then when I want to use it in function call notation, I have to wrap it in parentheses. OTOH, if the function name consists of alphanumeric characters and I want to use it in operator notation, I need to wrap it in backticks. So, the following are equivalent:

    a + b
    (+) a b
    a `plus` b
    plus a b

    For operator usage of functions, you can freely define the fixity, associativity, and precedence, e.g.:

    infixr 15 <!==!>

    In Ruby, there is a pre-defined set of operators that has corresponding methods, e.g.:

    def +(other)