As far as I understood, adding a tags="post"
inside the configuration file of a specific Eleventy directory, say "posts", adds the tag "post" to all the posts and creates the automatically. This doesn't seem to work for me, am I missing something? The only way I can iterate over a is if I either add the tag post per post (on each post front matter) or if I add a collection in .eleventy.js like so
eleventyConfig.addCollection("post", (collection) => {
return collection.getFilteredByGlob("_posts/*.md");
I think it depends on what you mean by "configuration file of a specific Eleventy directory". To specify data for a directory, see the guide here,, and scroll to Directory Data File. In theory you could add a JSON file named posts.11tydata.json inside the posts folder and set it up like so:
I'm mostly sure this works - testing now. ;)