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Struts2 Action being called twice if result type is json

I have an Action class with 4 action methods. All four action action methods use a json result.

Via logging statements and debugging, I have verified that if I call action method 1, action method 2 and 3 are also called. But not 4. Finally, action method 1 is called again and the json result is generated

If I change the result type of Action method 1 to the default dispatcher with a jsp location, only action method 1 is called. (this is the behavior I want with the json result) Hope that makes sense.

Anyone have any ideas? This question was asked here

But there was no answer. Please let me know if you need more information.

public class GroupEntityAction extends BaseAction {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 6750675222824235086L;
    private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(GroupEntityAction.class);

    private List<EntityBusiness> theUnusedEntityBusinessList;
    private String assignedEntities[];
    private long groupId;
    private long businessId;
    private String parentMe;
    private long rptYear;
    private String ssoId;
    private String isSubmitted;

    private String delimGoLiveEmails;
    private List<String> theEmailList;

    @Action(value = "ajaxGetAvailableEntityList",
            results = { @Result(name = "success", type = "json") }
            interceptorRefs = { @InterceptorRef("dtaStack"),
                    @InterceptorRef(value = "dtaStack", params = { "appInterceptor.allowedRoles", "ADMIN" }) }
            public String getEntityListsByBusiness() throws Exception {

        if (rptYear == 0) {
            return SUCCESS;

        LookupService theSvc = new LookupService();

        if (businessId != 0) {
            setTheUnusedEntityBusinessList(theSvc.getAvailableEntityListBizExceptIds(rptYear, businessId, ssoId, assignedEntities));
        } else {
            setTheUnusedEntityBusinessList(theSvc.getAvailableEntityListParentMeExceptIds(rptYear, parentMe, ssoId, assignedEntities));



        return SUCCESS;

    @Action(value = "ajaxToggleGroupBusinessSubmitted",
            results = { @Result(name = "success", type = "json") }
            interceptorRefs = { @InterceptorRef("dtaStack") }
            public String toggleGroupBusinessReview() {

        try {
            new ProformaService().toggleIsSubmitted(getCurrentUser().getSsoId(), groupId, rptYear, businessId);
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            return ERROR;
        return SUCCESS;

    @Action(value = "ajaxGetGoLiveEmailList",
            results = { @Result(type = "json") }
            interceptorRefs = { @InterceptorRef("dtaStack"),
                    @InterceptorRef(value = "dtaStack", params = { "appInterceptor.allowedRoles", "ADMIN" }) }
            public String getGoLiveEmailList() {

        try {
            List<TaxUser> theUserList = new SecurityService().getAll();

            List<String> theEmailList = new ArrayList<String>();
            for (TaxUser theUser : theUserList) {

                if ((!theUser.getRoles().contains("ADMIN")) && (theUser.getIsActive().equalsIgnoreCase("Y"))) {
                    if (!theEmailList.contains(theUser.getEmail())) {

            setDelimGoLiveEmails(StringUtils.join(theEmailList.toArray(), "|"));
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            return ERROR;

        return SUCCESS;

    @Action(value = "ajaxGetChaserEmailList",
            results = { @Result(name = "success", type = "json") }
            interceptorRefs = { @InterceptorRef("dtaStack"),
                    @InterceptorRef(value = "dtaStack", params = { "appInterceptor.allowedRoles", "ADMIN" }) }
            public String getChaserEmailList() {

        try {

            List<String> theEmailList = new LookupService().getChaserEmailList();

            setDelimGoLiveEmails(StringUtils.join(theEmailList.toArray(), "|"));

        } catch (SQLException e) {
            return ERROR;
        return SUCCESS;

    public void setTheUnusedEntityBusinessList(
            List<EntityBusiness> theUnusedEntityBusinessList) {
        this.theUnusedEntityBusinessList = theUnusedEntityBusinessList;

    public List<EntityBusiness> getTheUnusedEntityBusinessList() {
        return theUnusedEntityBusinessList;

    public void setAssignedEntities(String assignedEntities[]) {
        this.assignedEntities = assignedEntities;

    public String[] getAssignedEntities() {
        return assignedEntities;

    public void setGroupId(long groupId) {
        this.groupId = groupId;

    public long getGroupId() {
        return groupId;

    public void setBusinessId(long businessId) {
        this.businessId = businessId;

    public long getBusinessId() {
        return businessId;

    public void setParentMe(String parentMe) {
        this.parentMe = parentMe;

    public String getParentMe() {
        return parentMe;

    public void setRptYear(long rptYear) {
        this.rptYear = rptYear;

    public long getRptYear() {
        return rptYear;

    public void setSsoId(String ssoId) {
        this.ssoId = ssoId;

    public String getSsoId() {
        return ssoId;

    public void setIsSubmitted(String isSubmitted) {
        this.isSubmitted = isSubmitted;

    public String getIsSubmitted() {
        return isSubmitted;

    public void setDelimGoLiveEmails(String delimGoLiveEmails) {
        this.delimGoLiveEmails = delimGoLiveEmails;

    public String getDelimGoLiveEmails() {
        return delimGoLiveEmails;

    public void setTheEmailList(List<String> theEmailList) {
        this.theEmailList = theEmailList;

    public List<String> getTheEmailList() {
        return theEmailList;

In this action class, I attempting to call ajaxGetGoLiveEmailList, and what I get is ajaxGetGoLiveEmailList called first, and then ajaxGetChaserEmailList, and then ajaxGetAvailableEntityList, and then ajaxGetGoLiveEmailList gets called again. ajaxToggleGroupBusinessSubmitted is skipped.

If I change the result annotation of ajaxGetGoLiveEmailList to


, only ajaxGetGoLiveEmailList get called.

When I look at the config browser, all the action mapping are configured correctly, pointing to the correct method calls.


  • JSON plugin may be calling all your methods that start with "get" in an attempt to serialize them for output. Try renaming your methods to something else.