I want paragraphs to be up to 3 sentences only.
For that, my strategy is to loop on all paragraphs and find the 3rd sentence ending (see note). And then, to add a "\r" char after it.
This is the code I have:
for (var i = 1; i < paragraphs.length; i++) {
sentEnds = paragraphs[i].getText().match(/[a-zA-Z0-9_\u0590-\u05fe][.?!](\s|$)|[.?!][.?!](\s|$)/g);
//this array is used to count sentences in Hebrew/English/digits that end with 1 or more of either ".","?" or "!"
if ((sentEnds != null) && (sentEnds.length > 3)) {
lineBreakAnchor = paragraphs[i].getText().match(/.{10}[.?!](\s)/g);
paragraphs[i].replaceText(lineBreakAnchor[2],lineBreakAnchor[2] + "\r");
This works fine for round 1. But if I run the code again- the text after the inserted "\r" char is not recognized as a new paragraph. Hence, more "\r" (new lines) will be inserted each time the script is running.
How can I make the script "understand" that "\r" means new, separate paragraph?
Is there another character/approach that will do the trick?
Thank you.
Without modifying your own regex expression you can achieve this.
function sentenceMe() {
var doc = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument();
var paragraphs = doc.getBody().getParagraphs();
var sentences = [];
// Split paragraphs into sentences
for (var i = 0; i < paragraphs.length; i++) {
var parText = paragraphs[i].getText();
//Count sentences in Hebrew/English/digits that end with 1 or more of either ".","?" or "!"
var sentEnds = parText.match(/[a-zA-Z0-9_\u0590-\u05fe][.?!](\s|$)|[.?!][.?!](\s|$)/g);
if (sentEnds){
for (var j=0; j< sentEnds.length; j++){
var initIdx = 0;
var sentence = parText.substring(initIdx,parText.indexOf(sentEnds[j])+3);
var parInitIdx = initIdx;
initIdx = parText.indexOf(sentEnds[j])+3;
parText = parText.substring(initIdx - parInitIdx);
// console.log(sentences);
inThrees(doc, paragraphs, sentences)
function inThrees(doc, paragraphs, sentences) {
// define offset
var offset = paragraphs.length;
// Create paragraphs with up to 3 sentences
var k=0;
do {
var parText = sentences.splice(0,3).join(' ');
doc.getBody().insertParagraph(k + offset , parText.concat('\n'));
while (sentences.length > 0)
// Remove paragraphs from hell
for (var i = 0; i < offset; i++){
In case you are wondering about the custom menu, here is it:
function onOpen() {
var ui = DocumentApp.getUi();
ui.createMenu('Custom Menu')
.addItem("3's the magic number", 'sentenceMe')