I am trying to figure out how to use the java.sound api to convert a WAV file to RAW/PCM format. I need to convert the WAV file from some given audio format to a RAW file encoded as follows:
Many of the posts I found here are for the other way around, how to go from RAW and get a WAV. Being new to audio, I was hoping someone could post an example showing how to do this.
The Java sound api does not convert to RAW audio as far as I know. It does convert to WAV, which is RAW audio with a 44-byte header. Once you understand this, you can break the problem down into 2 parts:
1. Convert audio from any format to a WAV format.
The code example below has only been tested from WAV to WAV (different audio format), but in theory the call to AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(audioFormat, originalAudioStream);
should find the appropriate codec if it has it.
This method will convert audio bytes to the given format and produce a byte[] result as a WAV.
private static final AudioFormat EXAMPLE_FORMAT = new AudioFormat(
public byte[] formatAudioToWav(@NotNull final byte[] audioFileContent,
@NotNull final AudioFormat audioFormat) throws
UnsupportedAudioFileException {
try (
final AudioInputStream originalAudioStream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(audioFileContent));
final AudioInputStream formattedAudioStream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(audioFormat, originalAudioStream);
final AudioInputStream lengthAddedAudioStream = new AudioInputStream(formattedAudioStream, audioFormat, audioFileContent.length);
final ByteArrayOutputStream convertedOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
) {
AudioSystem.write(lengthAddedAudioStream, AudioFileFormat.Type.WAVE, convertedOutputStream);
return convertedOutputStream.toByteArray();
2. Strip the header from the WAV file created in step 1.
public byte[] formatWavToRaw(@NotNull final byte[] audioFileContent) {
return Arrays.copyOfRange(audioFileContent, 44, audioFileContent.length);
new AudioInputStream(formattedAudioStream, audioFormat, audioFileContent.length);
. Further Reading