So I have to use a library that essentially does a POST to a remote system that may choose to throttle the traffic. If it does, it returns 429 and a specific # of seconds to back off in the Retry-After header... at which point the framework reads and parses this value, and essentially does this
throw new ThrottledException(retryAfterSeconds);
How do I set up a Polly policy that will catch this custom exception, and then retry after exception.RetryAfter
OK, this was a bit more tricky than it needed to be, but only because I was sent on several wild goose chases by inscrutable compiler messages.
In this scenario the retry is communicated by a custom exception of type SigsThrottledException
, which has a field that contains the requested backoff time in seconds.
var policy = Policy
.Handle<SigsThrottledException>(e => e.RetryAfterInSeconds > 0)
retryCount: retries,
sleepDurationProvider: (i, e, ctx) =>
var ste = (SigsThrottledException)e;
return TimeSpan.FromSeconds((double)ste.RetryAfterInSeconds);
onRetryAsync: async (e, ts, i, ctx) =>
// Do something here
This is an example of how to use the policy. You can't just add it to an existing HttpClient or HttpClientFactory. You have to use it explicitly.
public async Task SigsPollyRetriesOnThrottle()
var retryResponse = new HttpResponseMessage
StatusCode = (HttpStatusCode)429,
Content = new StringContent("{}"),
retryResponse.Headers.Add("Retry-After", "1");
var mockMessageHandler = new Mock<HttpMessageHandler>();
.SetupSequence<Task<HttpResponseMessage>>("SendAsync", ItExpr.IsAny<HttpRequestMessage>(), ItExpr.IsAny<CancellationToken>())
.ReturnsAsync(new HttpResponseMessage
StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK
var client = new HttpClient(mockMessageHandler.Object);
// Retry once after waiting 1 second
var retryPolicy = Policy
.Handle<SigsThrottledException>(e => e.RetryAfterInSeconds > 0)
retryCount: 1,
sleepDurationProvider: (i, e, ctx) =>
var ste = (SigsThrottledException)e;
return TimeSpan.FromSeconds((double)ste.RetryAfterInSeconds);
onRetryAsync: async (e, ts, i, ctx) =>
// Do something here
Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch();
var response = await retryPolicy.ExecuteAsync(async () =>
Uri substrateurl = new Uri("");
return await SIGSClient.Instance.PostAsync(client, substrateurl, new UserInfo(), "faketoken", new Signal(), Guid.NewGuid()).ConfigureAwait(false);
Assert.AreEqual(response.StatusCode, HttpStatusCode.OK);
Assert.IsTrue(stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds > 1000); // Make sure we actually waited at least a second