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FluentNhibernate, add mappings from multiple assemblies

I've tried to add mapping classes manually, by using multiple .Mappings extension calls, but it seems only to include the last one. So how do I add several selected class maps, or multiple assemblies?

My fluent configuration looks typically like this:

 Return Fluently.Configure() _
                .Database(SQLiteConfiguration.Standard.ConnectionString(connectionString) _
                .Cache(Function(c) c.UseQueryCache())) _
            .Mappings(Function(m) m.FluentMappings.AddFromAssemblyOf(Of AccountMap)() _
                .Conventions.Add(FluentNHibernate.Conventions.Helpers.DefaultLazy.Never())) _
            .ExposeConfiguration(Function(c) InlineAssignHelper(cfg, c)) _


  • Just specify all of your assemblies.

        .AddFromAssemblyOf(Of AccountMap)()
        .AddFromAssemblyOf(Of SomeOtherMap)();