I have a need to query the latest index that is created on Elasticsearch.
I have formed the below curl command
curl -X GET "localhost/_cat/indices?h=i,creation.date.string"
It is returning the response as follows:
accounting 2020-03-03T02:46:29.285Z
kibana_1 2020-03-02T00:58:14.386Z
Is there any way I can return this in a JSON format? I have been trying this and couldn't get a JSON response.
It is indeed possible to return the response from the _cat
API in JSON. It is also possible to sort the results by creation.date.string
Try this and the first element from the resulting array will be the last create index.
curl -H "Content-type: application/json" -X GET "localhost/_cat/indices?h=i,creation.date.string&format=json&s=creation.date.string:desc"