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Storing JSON object in JSON column in MySql2 using Nodejs

I have a JSON object that looks like this -

               "question_id": "1",
                "question": "Choose games you're currently playing",
                   [{ "answer_id" : "1", "answer": "game1", "checked": false },
                    { "answer_id": "2", "answer": "game2", "checked" : true }]

I'm trying to store it in a JSON column using MySql2.

My query -

const query = `INSERT INTO user_questions(_id, questions,created_at, updated_at, deleted) 
                VALUES(1, '${JSON.stringify(questions)}', NOW(), NOW(), 0)`;
const result = await db.query(query)

But I'm getting the following exception error -

UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax;

What exactly am I doing wrong?

Edit: I found out it's because of the apostrophe in the question. If I try to run the query without it, it works fine.


  • You shouldnt use direct inserts use instead this approach

    const query = 'INSERT INTO user_questions(_id, questions,created_at, updated_at, deleted) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)';
    const result = await db.query(query, [1, JSON.stringify(questions), NOW(), NOW(), 0)]);

    which escapes all columns properly: using-prepared-statements