Unable to zip all the files using jszip. JS zip is reading all 402 files as shown in snapshot from the console from around 143 requests but zipping only 143 files. I am using parallelimit to process multiple async requests simultaneously and cleanly. I am How can we get all the 403 files in the result?
private downloadUntouchedFiles = () => {
let requestObjectInfo = [];
let index = 0;
this._eventEmitter.emit(Constants.LOADER_CHANGE, { show: true });
this._eligibilitySubmissionInstance.getUntouchedFiles(this.state.filterObject).then((requests) => {
if (!(!requests)) {
if (requests.length > 0) {
var zip = new JSZip();
var zipFileName = "ES_Unviewed_Files";
var promises = [];
this._eventEmitter.emit(Constants.LOADER_CHANGE, { show: true });
const downloadSubPromises = [];
let i =0;
requests.forEach((req) => {
req.Folder.Files.forEach(f => {
f.Name = this.state.initials + '_' + this.state.userId + '_' + f.Name;
downloadSubPromises.push((submit: any) => {
JSZipUtils.getBinaryContent(f.ServerRelativeUrl, (err, data) => {
try {
if (err) {
throw err;
zip.file(f.Name, data, { binary: true });
submit(null, true);
} catch (err) {
submit(err, true);
this._eventEmitter.emit(Constants.LOADER_CHANGE, { show: false });
this._loggerInstance.logException(Constants.SISCC_ES_EXCEPTIONS, {
Component: this._canonicalName,
Message: ErrorMessages.COM007,
UserName: !(!DataSingleton.getCurrentUser()) ? DataSingleton.getCurrentUser() : '',
Group: '',
Notes: err,
Source: Constants.EXCEPTION_UI_SOURCE,
ExceptionID: Guid.create().toString()
} as ExceptionObject).then(() => {
parallelLimit(downloadSubPromises, Constants.DOWNLOAD_BATCH_MAX_FILE_LIMIT,
(err, results) => {
try {
.generateInternalStream({ type: "blob" })
.then((content) => {
saveAs(content, zipFileName + ".zip");
catch (err) {
this._eventEmitter.emit(Constants.LOADER_CHANGE, { show: false });
this._loggerInstance.logException(Constants.SISCC_ES_EXCEPTIONS, {
Component: this._canonicalName,
Message: ErrorMessages.COM007,
UserName: !(!DataSingleton.getCurrentUser()) ? DataSingleton.getCurrentUser() : '',
Group: '',
Notes: err,
Source: Constants.EXCEPTION_UI_SOURCE,
ExceptionID: Guid.create().toString()
} as ExceptionObject).then(() => {
while (index < requestObjectInfo.length) {
this.setState({ requestObject: requestObjectInfo[index] });
if (this.state.requestObject.Status !== Constants.ES_DOWNLOADREQUEST_STATUS) {
this._eventEmitter.emit(Constants.LOADER_CHANGE, { show: false });
In this case only 55-75MB on JS Heap is used.
This will work
private downloadUntouchedFiles = () => {
this._eventEmitter.emit(Constants.LOADER_CHANGE, { show: true });
let statusUpdatePromises = [];
this._eligibilitySubmissionInstance.getUntouchedFiles(this.state.filterObject).then((requests) => {
if (!(!requests)) {
if (requests.length > 0) {
var zip = new JSZip();
var zipFileName = "ES_Unviewed_Files";
const downloadSubPromises = [];
requests.forEach((req: any) => {
req.Folder.Files.forEach((f: any) => {
f.Name = this.state.userId + '_' + f.Name;
downloadSubPromises.push((submit: any) => {
JSZipUtils.getBinaryContent(`${new Constants().BASE_URL}${encodeURIComponent(f.ServerRelativeUrl).replace('%2F', '/')}`, (err, data) => {
try {
if (err) {
submit(null, true);
} else {
zip.file(f.Name, data, { binary: true });
submit(null, true);
} catch (err) {
this._eventEmitter.emit(Constants.LOADER_CHANGE, { show: false });
this._loggerInstance.logException(Constants.SISCC_ES_EXCEPTIONS, {
Component: this._canonicalName,
Message: ErrorMessages.COM007,
UserName: !(!DataSingleton.getCurrentUser()) ? DataSingleton.getCurrentUser() : '',
Group: '',
Notes: err,
Source: Constants.EXCEPTION_UI_SOURCE,
ExceptionID: Guid.create().toString()
} as ExceptionObject).then(() => {
submit(null, false);
statusUpdatePromises.push((submit: any) => {
this.setState({ requestObject: req }, () => {
if (this.state.requestObject.Status !== Constants.ES_DOWNLOADREQUEST_STATUS) {
this.updateESRequestStatus(Constants.ES_DOWNLOADREQUEST_STATUS).then(res => {
} else {
parallelLimit(downloadSubPromises, Constants.UPLOAD_BATCH_MAX_FILE_LIMIT,
(err: any, results: any) => {
parallelLimit(statusUpdatePromises, Constants.UPLOAD_BATCH_MAX_FILE_LIMIT,
(subErr: any, subResults: any) => {
try {
.generateInternalStream({ type: "blob" })
.then((content) => {
this._eventEmitter.emit(Constants.LOADER_CHANGE, { show: false });
saveAs(content, zipFileName + ".zip");
catch (err) {
this._eventEmitter.emit(Constants.LOADER_CHANGE, { show: false });
this._loggerInstance.logException(Constants.SISCC_ES_EXCEPTIONS, {
Component: this._canonicalName,
Message: ErrorMessages.COM007,
UserName: !(!DataSingleton.getCurrentUser()) ? DataSingleton.getCurrentUser() : '',
Group: '',
Notes: err,
Source: Constants.EXCEPTION_UI_SOURCE,
ExceptionID: Guid.create().toString()
} as ExceptionObject).then(() => {