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What is the actual difference between using an inline-style and using a css-in-js library like styled components in React?

Writing an inline style in js,

const styles = {
    background: 'blue',
    color: 'white'

and using it in the JSX as below

<div style={styles}> I am a div </div>

Writing the styles using 'styled components',

const Div= styled.div`
     background: 'blue',
     color: 'white'

and using it like,

<Div> I am a Div </Div>

Here what is the difference in using a css-in-js library and using the inline styles.


  • First, your styled.div example is wrong, as in CSS-in-JS you write actual CSS and not an Object-like style:

    // "Real CSS"
    const Div= styled.div`
      background: blue;
      color: white;

    Second, CSS classes are generally better, also, inline styles are considered bad practice as it is hard to re-use and maintain styles.

    CSS classes are generally better for performance than inline styles.

    So in conclusion:

    1. In inline styles, you write Object-like styles vs. actual CSS
    2. Writing CSS allows all the benefits of CSS (like selectors).
    3. Re-use and maintaining CSS is much easier than inline styles.
    4. The real debate is between CSS-in-JS vs. CSS modules vs. SASS vs. Normal CSS (for that you can google or read related questions in SO).
    5. Inline styles considered bad-practice as in addition they override all defined styles.
    6. Inline-styles are limited in their functionality (try animating something in inline style or even implementing a media query).