Definition: A Background tread stops executing when the Main thread leaves the execution.
When I try it out, the background thread did not stop the execution even when the main thread completes the execution. Please check the example provided for Background Thread in the above link.
using System; using System.Threading;
class GFG {
// Main method
static void Main(string[] args)
// Creating and initializing thread
Thread thr = new Thread(mythread);
// Name of the thread is Mythread
thr.Name = "Mythread";
// IsBackground is the property of Thread
// which allows thread to run in the background
thr.IsBackground = true;
Console.WriteLine("Main Thread Ends!!");
// Static method
static void mythread()
// Display the name of the
// current working thread
Console.WriteLine("In progress thread is: {0}",
Console.WriteLine("Completed thread is: {0}",
Expected Output : In progress thread is: Mythread Main Thread Ends!!
I did not get the output as they have mentioned there. I got all three console outputs like
In progress thread is: Mythread Main Thread Ends. Completed thread is: Mythread
Edit: Some say Unable to repro the issue. Am I the only one who is facing this issue?