When I write fxml markup, I get a warning from my IDE when i use the '%' symbol within strings, such as:
<Label text="% Tax:" />
I also receive a RuntimeException when running my JavaFX application and building the UI.
So my question is: How do i use the '%' symbol correctly?
Despite the comments, I just tested this in an old project, and you do seem to be somewhat correct. However, it is not a compile error! For instance, if I write something like this in fxml:
<Label text="% Output:" />
I get an InvocationTargetException when building the UI. All you need to do is to escape the symbol like this:
<Label text="\% Output:" />
The reason you think this is a compile error is likely because your IDE is marking it as incorrect. This is just your IDE being clever.
And by the way, your question could have been a lot clearer.