I have a Django project where I'm trying to run a JS/AJAX script when a dropdown changes value. The same code works well for a button, but not for the dropdown.
Here is the html code with the button, the dropdown and finally the script:
<button class="toChange">AJAX POST TEST</button>
<select class="toChange">
{% for item in regions %}
<option val="{{ item }}" {% ifequal item reg %} selected {% endifequal %}> {{ item }} </option>
{% endfor %}
<script type="text/javascript">
type: 'POST',
EDIT1: adding views.py and amending my dropdown to reflect it properly as I might have oversimplified my example.
def MyView(request):
result_r = request.POST.get('reg')
if request.method == 'POST' and request.is_ajax:
result_r = request.POST.get('reg')
query_results = data_immo.objects.all()
regions = data_immo.objects.values_list("nom_reg", flat=True).distinct().order_by('nom_reg')
departements = data_immo.objects.values_list("insee_dep").filter(Q(nom_reg=result_r)).distinct()
query_results_dict = {
'query_results': query_results,
'regions': regions,
'departements': departements,
'reg': result_r
return render(request,'home.html', query_results_dict)
Why would it work with the button and not the dropdown? I'm really new to this, so do idea what is wrong. Thanks!
You need to use the change
event in case of <select>
$(".toChange").on('change', function(){ ... })