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grails 4 - BindingFormat annotation not binding date when using code for localized binding

As per the docs, we can use localized data binding. But this is not working in grails 4.


import grails.databinding.BindingFormat

class TestController {

  def index() {
    render view: 'index'

  def test(DateCommand command) {
    render "${params} <br/><br/> - ${command.errors?.collect { error -> error as String }?.join(', ')}"

class DateCommand {

  @BindingFormat(code = 'date.field.format')
  Date aDate
  Date bDate

  static constraints = {
    aDate(nullable: false)
    bDate(nullable: false)

index view

<g:form action="test">
  <input type="text" name="aDate" value="27/04/2019" />
  <input type="text" name="bDate" value="27/04/2019" />
  <g:submitButton class="btn btn-success" name="OK" />


Same code is working fine in grails 3.x.x

Am I missing some configuration or something is wrong in the code?


  • Am I missing some configuration or something is wrong in the code?

    It looks like the annotation handling may be broken for that. If you file an issue at we can get it straightened out.

    Thanks for the feedback.