I developed a file input. When selecting that file a function is executed that detects the file and sends it to a service.
My problem is that the format always absorbs all selected files and never cleans. That is, if you select 2 images and later delete one of them, I get 1, but if after deleting one image, insert another one ... I will have 3 and not two (there should be 2 because one of them has been deleted). The problem is that the formdata is always storing everything.
Is there a way to clear formadata whenever a file is inserted?
<input type="file" id="files" (change)="Add($event)">
formData1 = new FormData();
Add(event) {
var anex = event.target.files;
for (let index = 0; index < anex.length; index++) {
this.formData1.append('file', anex[index]);
console.log("Clear formdata();")
You should clear your formData as a new instance before adding new files.
Add(event) {
var anex = event.target.files;
// Clear form data before appending new ones
this.formData1 = new FormData();
for (let index = 0; index < anex.length; index++) {
this.formData1.append('file', anex[index]);