I am using Reactive Redis where I am trying to use Redis as cache for database. I am checking if value is present in the cache or not? If it is present then return it otherwise query database if result comes back; store the result cache it and return it.
However, even if value is present in Redis it is still querying the database all the time.
public Mono<User> getUser(String email) {
return reactiveRedisOperation.opsForValue().get("tango").switchIfEmpty(
// Always getting into this block (for breakpoint) :(
queryDatabase().flatMap(it -> {
reactiveRedisOperation.opsForValue().set("tango", it, Duration.ofSeconds(3600)).then(Mono.just(it));
private Mono<User> queryDatabase() {
return Mono.just(new User(2L,"test","test","test","test","test",true,"test","test","test"));
But call is always hitting the database even if value is present in Redis. What am I doing wrong here?
Base on this answer you can try with Mono.defer
public Mono<User> getUser(String email) {
return reactiveRedisOperation.opsForValue().get("tango").switchIfEmpty(Mono.defer(() -> {
// Always getting into this block (for breakpoint) :(
queryDatabase().flatMap(it -> {
reactiveRedisOperation.opsForValue().set("tango", it, Duration.ofSeconds(3600)).then(Mono.just(it));
I don't have much experience with Mono
. The answer that I pointed explain it:
... computation was already triggered at the point when we start composing our
types. To prevent unwanted computations we can wrap our future into a defered evaluation:... is trapped in a lazy supplier and is scheduled for execution only when it will be requested.