option = {
tooltip: {},
series: {
label: { rotate: 'tangential', },
nodeClick: false,
radius: ['15%', '80%'],
type: 'sunburst',
sort: null,
data: [
name: "sun",
value: 3456,
itemStyle: { color: '#814175' },
label: { formatter: '{b}\n\n{c}' },
children: [{ name: '', value: 2221, itemStyle: { color: '#a4829d' }, }]
name: "mon",
value: 6555,
itemStyle: { color: '#498ce7' },
label: { formatter: '{b}\n\n{c}' },
children: [{ name: '', value: 5001, itemStyle: { color: '#79aefa' }, }]
This is my chart in the first picture.When i hover the chart the label was hide(second picture). i need to show all label on hover.
The way to do this would be to assign the formatter
for emphasis
and downplay
. You can have different formats for the default label, the label that is hovered and the non-hovered labels
series: [
type: 'sunburst',
data: [],
label: {
formatter: 'E.g. A \n{b}\n\n{c}'
emphasis: {
label: {
formatter: 'E.g. B \n{b}\n\n{c}'
downplay: {
label: {
formatter: 'E.g. C \n{b}\n\n{c}'