I have an API call to Cloudinary after the image was uploaded it returns a promise instead of a string. I wanted to to get the URL on my uploaded image to be saved on my database.
Here is the return screenshot:
Here is my Axios code:
export const uploadImage = imageUpload => async dispatch => {
try {
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append('file', imageUpload);
const res = await axios.post(
return res.data.secure_url;
} catch (err) {
const errors = err.response.data.error;
I also tried using .then()
, but my variable returns undefined
Okay so I dispatch my res through my redux thunk
payload: res.data.secure_url
Then on my Component I used useEffect hook to set my formData. I also used useState hook for my props
const [formData, setFormData] = useState({photo: '', imgURL: ''});
If the the dispatch is triggered
useEffect(() => {
setFormData({ ...formData, photo: image });
}, [image]);
Now my photo is set to a String. Thanks for sharing you ideas. It helped.