I work at a room-management software in which I want to know the rooms in a certain building.
In the building entity the @OneToMany
@JsonBackReference(value= "room")
@OneToMany(targetEntity=Room.class, mappedBy="building", fetch=FetchType.EAGER,cascade =
CascadeType.REMOVE,orphanRemoval = true)
public Set<Room> getRooms() {
return this.rooms;
And in the room entity the @ManyToOne
@JsonManagedReference(value= "room")
@JoinColumn(name="building_number", nullable=false)
@OnDelete(action = OnDeleteAction.CASCADE)
public Building getBuilding() {
return this.building;
And the auto-generated database generates an extra field because of those relationships and I just want them to be mapped on Room.building_number:
building_building_number and I just need building_number.
Try use something like that:
private Set<Room> rooms;
// getters and setters
@JoinColumn(name="building_number", nullable=false)
private Building building;
// getters and setters