I have a question somewhat similar to this one, but for a more limited case which I believe should be possible somehow: I want to construct a static constexpr array of function calls from a number of lambdas, each sharing the same signature. The static and constexpr part is important here since I'm on an embedded system, where I want to make sure such tables end up in Flash.
So basically what I want to do is
using params_t = std::vector<std::variant<int, float /*maybe others*/ >>;
struct command_t {
using callable_t = std::function<void(params_t)>;
const callable_t func;
//other members..
class AClass {
template<typename func_t>
constexpr static command_t::callable_t make_callable(func_t fun) {
return [fun](params_t params){/*construct a call to fun using params and template magic*/};
static void mycommand();
static void mycommand2(int i);
//The following fails:
///"error: in-class initialization of static data member 'const command_t AClass::commands [2]' of non-literal type"
static constexpr command_t commands[2] = {command_t{make_callable(mycommand)},
Note that the type erasure here is quite limited, since the signature of the lambda varies only by the signature of the capture of fun
. The function call obviously doesn't (and cannot) need to be constexpr, only the construction.
So basically my question is can I somehow make the commands
array static constexpr
, either somehow using std::function,
or something like inplace_function, or perhaps by spinning my own code for type-erasing the lambda in this specific case?
In general, this is not possible since the capture of a lambda can get arbitrary large and hence, at some point we need a heap allocation which then kills any hopes of constexpr pre-C++20 (and I don't think C++20 will help much for this case, either).
But you only want to capture a function pointer if I see this right and that we can do:
#include <vector>
using params_t = std::vector<std::variant<int, float /*maybe others*/ >>;
struct command_t {
using callable_t = void (*)(std::vector<params_t>);
const callable_t func;
//other members..
template<auto f>
void wrap(std::vector<params_t>){
// make this dependent of f, maybe use function_traits for fancy stuff
class AClass {
static void mycommand();
static void mycommand2(int i);
static constexpr command_t commands[2] = {wrap<mycommand>, wrap<mycommand2>};
int main() {
Thanks to xskxzr for valuable suggestions.