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Push mechanism of Exchange Activesync

I've a question regarding the over all design of push email and specifically the approach taken by Exchange ActiveSync.

As I understand there are two basic ways to get push email with the following architecture

Device <---> Push Email Server <---> Actual Email server

  1. Keep a constant socket connection between Push email server and device. Push email server will inform device over the connection.
    • Related technology - IMAP IDLE
    • No sms gateway required
  2. The Push email server will send a message (wap push, sms etc) to ask device to download new email.
    • Related technology- OMA-ENM
    • Needs a SMS gateway at Push email server

Considering this, what type of push email service does Exchange Activesync actually offer?

(AFAIK, white label push solution from Emoze/Synchronica uses the 1st approach - constant connection over something like IMAP-IDLE).


  • I think Exchange ActiveSync offers something similar to IMAP-IDLE, see below...

    If you've come to a different conclusion please post. Thanks!