I am using webpack's require.context to require a directory of thumbnail images. Furthermore in my webpack config file I am implementing a responsive-loader to build various resolutions of each image.
I would like to manually pass a query parameter to the responsive-loader to build only 128 and 256 width images when I require the thumbnail directory.
How can I pass a query parameter through webpack's require.context
Here is my code so far...
thumbnailContext.keys().forEach(thumbnailPath => {
That code returns this error.
Uncaught Error: Cannot find module './First Post/thumbnail.png?sizes[]=128,sizes[]=256'
at webpackContextResolve (webpack:///./src/posts_sync_thumbnail\.(:8080/png%7Cjpeg%7Cjpg)?:12:11)
You have to pass the parameters as part of the first argument of require.context
require.context('my-loader?sizes[]=128,sizes[]=256!./img', true, /\.png$/i);
If you want to ignore all other loaders that might be configured, prefix it with !!
require.context('!!my-loader!./img', true, /\.png$/i);