I am trying to make the most general macro to transfer data from one cell to another at the moment I am copy cell by cell to a var and setting the values that way but this really slows things down any ideas?
For i = TableDataRowNum To lastDataRow - 1
For activeCounter = 0 To colCount
aCellValue = ServiceTemp.Cells(TableDataRowNum + printCounter, activeCounter + 1).Text
aSheet.Cells(rowCount + printCounter, activeCounter + 1).value2 = "'" & aCellValue
aSheet.Cells(rowCount + printCounter, activeCounter + 1).Font.colorIndex = colorValue
printCounter = printCounter + 1
statusBarCounter = statusBarCounter + 1
If statusBarCounter = 450 Then
theStatus.ShowStatus "Formatting Data To WorkSheet " & aSheet.Name & " " & printCounter & " Rows Processed"
statusBarCounter = 1
End If
Not enough reputation to comment, but if you have a continuous range, and you know the starting cell, which you can put in a variable, then you can define the range to copy like below and paste to set destination:
Dim luc As Range
Dim src As Range
Dim dest As Range
Set luc = Cells(1, 1)
Set dest = Cells(10, 1)
Set src = Range(luc, luc.End(xlToRight))
Set src = Range(src, src.End(xlDown))
dest.PasteSpecial (xlPasteAll)
You could wrap this in a sub that takes the left upper corner of the source and target ranges as input.