The below code searches my csv file but returns multiple results when I only want it to return exact. For example; in my csv file I have the following on separate lines: Henry Jones, Sarah Jones. If I search for Sarah Jones it is returning both based upon the matching surname. Can anyone help? I have tried multiple things but with no joy! Thank you very much in advance!
if ( !isset( $_GET['q'] ) && !isset( $_GET['update'] ) ) {
echo '<div class="alert">' . $txt_hint . '</div>';
// Only on FORM Submit
if ( isset( $_GET['q'] ) && !empty( $_GET['q'] ) ) {
// Remove the Regex Char
$words = str_replace( '#', '', $_GET['q'] );
// Open CSV.File
$file = fopen( $CSV_Filename, 'r' );
// Supports any Number of Search-Words
$words = explode ( ' ', $words );
// Make the Search-Words safe to use in Regex (escapes special characters)
$words = array_map( 'preg_quote', $words );
// Make Regex e.g. '/Project|Name/i' means 'Project or Name' case (i)nsensitive
$regex = '#' . implode( '|', $words ) . '#i';
// Set Skip-First-Line Helper
$flag = true;
// Loop each Line
while ( ( $line = fgetcsv( $file ) ) !== FALSE ) {
// Skip first Line (only Healine, no real Data)
if ( $flag ) {
$flag = false;
// Split Line
list( $Details_1,$Time_Started,$Details_3,$Job_Name,$Time_Complete ) = $line;
// Check if Search-Match AND $Time_Complete is empty
if ( preg_match( $regex, $Job_Name ) && $Time_Complete == '' ) {
// Show Data in Browser
echo '
<div class="box">' . $Time_Started . '</div>
<div class="box">' . $Details_3 . '</div>
<div class="box">' . $Job_Name . '</div>
<div class="box noBorder"><a class="update"
href="' . htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '?update=' .
htmlentities( urlencode( $Job_Name ) ) . '">' .
$txt_completebutton . '</a></div><br>
// Set Search-Hit Helper
$hit = true;
You can try something like that with a fullMatch regex and a fullMatch flag.
If a full match is found, the flag fullMatch is triggered and then only full match can be found in the search
// Make Regex e.g. '/Project|Name/i' means 'Project or Name' case (i)nsensitive
$regex = '#' . implode( '|', $words ) . '#i';
$regexFullMatch = '#' . implode( '', $words ) . '#i';
$isFullMatched = true;
if ( preg_match( $regex, $Job_Name ) && $Time_Complete == '' ) {
if(preg_match( $regexFullMatch, $Job_Name )){
// Show Data in Browser
echo '
<div class="box">' . $Time_Started . '</div>
<div class="box">' . $Details_3 . '</div>
<div class="box">' . $Job_Name . '</div>
<div class="box noBorder"><a class="update"
href="' . htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '?update=' .
htmlentities( urlencode( $Job_Name ) ) . '">' .
$txt_completebutton . '</a></div><br>
// Set Search-Hit Helper
$hit = true;
$isFullMatched = true;
else if(!$isFullMatched){
// Show Data in Browser
echo '
<div class="box">' . $Time_Started . '</div>
<div class="box">' . $Details_3 . '</div>
<div class="box">' . $Job_Name . '</div>
<div class="box noBorder"><a class="update"
href="' . htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '?update=' .
htmlentities( urlencode( $Job_Name ) ) . '">' .
$txt_completebutton . '</a></div><br>
// Set Search-Hit Helper
$hit = true;
Note : this code is not optimized, but it give you an idea !