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Multiple VBA Worksheet Change Events

I'm still new to macros and trying to combine two change events into one successfully, any help would be appreciated!

First Change Event:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("G7:G9")) Is Nothing Then
    Select Case Range("G7:G9")
        Case "Individual": Macro1
        Case "Company": Macro2
        Case "Trust": Macro3
        Case "": Macro4
      End Select
End If

End Sub

Second Change Event:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Select Case Range("G9")
        Case "Income Tax Return" Or "Financial Accounts" Or "": Macro5
        Case "FBT": Macro6
        Case "BAS/IAS": Macro7
        Case "Contractor Reporting" Or "Workers Compensations" Or "Payroll Tax" Or "STP / PAYGW": Macro7
    End Select
End If

End Sub

The macros being called hide and unhide respective sheets when a list present the selected term.



  • One way could be handled by a couple of nested Select Case within a For each


    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
        Dim specialRange As Range
        Dim cell As Range
        Set specialRange = Me.Range("G7,G9")
        ' Exit if doesn't intersect (this could be just an If Not wrapping the For Each
        If Intersect(Target, specialRange) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
        For Each cell In specialRange
            ' First handle the cell address
            Select Case cell.Address
            Case "$G$7"
                ' Then its value
                Select Case cell.Value
                Case "Individual"
                Case "Company"
                Case "Trust"
                Case vbNullString
                Case Else
                End Select
            Case "$G$9"
                Select Case cell.Value
                Case "Income Tax Return", "Financial Accounts", vbNullString
                Case "FBT"
                Case "BAS/IAS"
                ' As the next case is calling the same macro as the previous, your could merge them
                Case "Contractor Reporting", "Workers Compensations", "Payroll Tax", "STP / PAYGW"
                Case Else
                End Select
            End Select
        Next cell
    End Sub

    Let me know if it works