I have created a validator to validate the annotations I have defined in my model class ie @NotNull
, @Pattern
etc. Whilst writing my test cases, I created the below assertion which looks for one violation. However in some cases there is more than 1 violation. How do I amend the below to check for more than one violation? I essentially want to have an assertion like
result.getViolations().size(), is(1 or more)
ValidatorFactory validatorFactory = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory();
Validator validator = validatorFactory.getValidator();
Set<ConstraintViolation<CreateRequest>> violations = validator.validate(createRequest);
if (violations.isEmpty()) {
CreateResponse createResponse = restTemplate.postForObject(clientProperties.getCreateUrl(), createRequest, CreateResponse.class);
return new ClientResult<>(createResponse);
} else {
return new ClientResult<>(violations);
assertThat("Number of violations", result.getViolations().size(), is(1));
You can change the last line to:
assertThat("Number of violations", result.getViolations().size(), is(oneOf(1, 2)));
See docs for oneOf
Tested with Hamcrest 2.2