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Pre-condition checking in typescript

I have a typescript class where there are methods for checking the variables type. How do I determine at the beginning of the doProcess() which method to use for processing the following?

class MyClass {

public static arr : any[] = [];

// main method
public static doProcess(object : object , justForObjects : boolean = false){
    if (justForObjects){
        // here should specify which checking method use in *** line
    } else {


    for (let key in object){
        if (object.hasOwnProperty(key)){
            if (/* *** */){
                MyClass.doProcess(object[key] , justObjects)
            } else {

return MyClass.arr;


 // check variables type methods
 private static is_object(value : any){
     return !!(typeof value === 'object' && !(value instanceof Array) && value);
 private static is_object_or_array(value : any){
     return !!(typeof value === 'object' && value);


let object = {
 'main color' : 'black',
 'other colors' : {
     'front color' : 'purple',
     'back color' : 'yellow',
     'inside colors' : {
         'top color' : 'red',
         'bottom color' : 'green'

MyClass.doProcess(object , true);

I know it can be done in the same for loop (as below), but I would like to find a way to do it first.

    for (let key in object){
            if (justForObjects){
                if (MyClass.is_object(object[key])){
                    // do something
            } else {
                if (MyClass.is_object_or_array(object[key])){
                    // do something else


Thanks for your tips


  • Functions can be simply assigned to variables, i.e.:

    public static doProcess(obj : object , justForObjects : boolean = false) {
        var check_fn = justForObjects ? MyClass.is_object : MyClass.is_object_or_array;
        for (let key in obj) {
            if (check_fn(obj[key])) ...
     // check variables type methods
     private static is_object(value : any) : boolean { ... }
     private static is_object_or_array(value : any) : boolean { ... }