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Loop through worksheets containing graphs, copy both ChartObjects into another sheet

In my Workbook, I have multiple worksheets each containing 2 graphs – I want to loop through these sheets copying ChartObjects(1) and ChartObjects(2) side-by-side into another sheet named "Graphs".

To clarify, the worksheets that contain 2 graphs are named "John", "Paul", "George" and "Ringo". I want to first select sheet “John”, copy ChartObjects(1) into cell A3 of “Graphs” and then ChartObjects(2) into cell K3 of "Graphs", next I want to select “Paul” and copy ChartObjects(1) into cell A24 of “Graphs” and ChartObjects(2) into cell K24 of "Graphs", and so on for “George”, “Ringo” etc.

I have researched this problem but could not find a solution to copy 2 ChartObjects from one sheet into another sheet side-by-side, as such I am currently using a code that simply selects each sheet in turn and copy/pastes the graphs - I am sure there is a better approach unfortunately it's beyond my limited VBA skills.


As requested, I have updated my original question, for which @Harassed Dad had kindly provided a solution.


  • Sub example()
    Const offsetrows = 26 ' numbers of rows to move down between copies
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim c As ChartObject
    Dim target As Worksheet
    Set target = Worksheets("graphs") 'sheet to copy to
    Dim t As Range
    Set t = target.Range("a1") 'first cell to copy to
    For Each ws In Worksheets
         Select Case ws.Name
            Case "graphs"
               'skip this sheet
            Case Else
                For Each c In ws.ChartObjects
                   t.PasteSpecial xlPasteAll
                   Set t = t.Offset(offsetrows, 0)
     'edited code here===============
                    If t.column = 1 then     'if it was in A then
                       set t = t.offset(-offsetrows,4)    Go to D
                        set t = t.offset(0,-4)     'if D then A
                     end if
                Next c
          End Select
    Next ws
    End Sub